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5 personal stress amplifiers!

Personal motives and goals as well as internalized norms are stress-intensifying set points that represent the internal yardstick against which we measure the personal significance of everyday situations and requirements. Characteristic of stress-aggravating set points is a “must” thinking.

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Draw your future!

What dream or vision would you like to realize? You know that there is more to life. You know it because you feel it. At night you may lie awake talking to your partner or to friends about your dreams. But most of the time you continue to behave in a way that prevents change. You ask yourself, “How can I do this?”

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Why changes are so difficult!

We often prefer to accept being unhappy instead of changing something in our lives. Again and again, people only want to change something when they really can’t help it and their backs are against the wall.

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Choose your own path!

A couple is sitting on the back of a donkey. Passersby see this and comment, “The poor donkey has to carry both of them! That’s animal cruelty!” In response, the woman dismounts. Comment: “Look at that selfish macho man! He sits comfortably on the back of the donkey and his wife has to walk!” The man dismounts and leaves his wife to sit on the donkey. Comment: “What a wimp! He runs along his wife like a dog, there you can see who wears the pants in this relationship!” Thereupon the woman dismounts again. Comment: “How stupid can you actually be? The fools walk next to the donkey, instead of riding it!”

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5 things that really count in life!

Wrong decisions and omissions move people in their last hours of life. Australian Bronnie Ware worked for several years as a palliative care nurse, accompanying dying people in the last weeks of their lives. During numerous and detailed conversations, she witnessed what moves people in the very last stage of life. These insights will make you think and remind yourself what really matters in life. In her book “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” she summarized her insights and experiences.

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New Website is online!

I am very pleased to herewith introduce my new website. After a technical and content update, my website is now very user-friendly.

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